If we simply change some language, we can change the conversation about addiction and recovery…
Person with a substance use disorder
Person with a serious substance use disorder
addicted to x
Has an X use disorder
Has a serious X use disorder
Has a substance use disorder involving X (if more than one substance is involved)
Substance use disorder
Serious substance use disorder
- "Addiction" is appropriate when quoting findings or research that used the term or if it appears in a proper name of an organization.
- "Addiction" is appropriate when speaking of the disease process that leads to someone developing a substance use disorder that includes compulsive use (for example. "the field of addiction medicine.· and "the science of addiction").
- It is appropriate to refer to scheduled drugs as "addictive."
Person with an alcohol use disorder
Person with a serious alcohol use disorder
When using these terms, take care to avoid divulging an individual's participation in a named 12-step program.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous etc.
Testing negative for substance use
Clean Screen
Actively using
Positive for substance use
Testing positive for substance use
Dirty Screen
Substance use disorder
Compulsive or regular substance use
Drug habit
Person who uses drugs (if not qualified as a disorder)
When feasible, "Drug/Substance Abuse" can be replaced with "Substance Use Disorder."
Substance Abuser
Person in recovery
Person in long-term recovery
Former/reformed Addict/Alcoholic
Medication assisted treatment
Medication-assisted recovery
Opioid Replacement or Methadone Maintenance
People who use drugs for non-medical reasons
People starting to use drugs
People who are new to drug use
Recreational, Casual, or Experimental Users
(as opposed to those with a use disorder)
Source: The Huffington Post / White House Office of National Drug Control Policy